The website surpasses most HVAC and foodservice websites by utilizing mobile-friendly responsive design, which automatically resizes screen resolution to a visitor’s smartphone, tablet, laptop, PC, or theater size conference room monitor. “Having a mobile-friendly website is important as our customers are increasingly using smartphones and tablets when they’re outside the office,” says Georgia Berner, president.
The new Berner website is now organized by industry, such as restaurant, retail, institution/facility, and manufacturing/warehousing. Berner has replaced its renowned model names such as the MaxAir, Mark, Aristocrat, or K-Zone with category names they target, such as Industrial, Commercial, Architectural, and Sanitation Certified. The website easily cross-references today’s models to their past names through the search function or the “Renamed Page.”
The website’s intuitiveness includes an air curtain selector program, which uses product and case study application photos to help the user navigate toward a model selection that fits the door opening. Each individual product page includes tabs for heater types, accessories, specifications, related products, and other options. Each product page also includes a building information modeling (BIM) tab for links hosted by architectural online product catalogs, ARCAT, and AutoDesk. There is also an easy-to-find “Contact Sales” page that offers the user assistance and/or pricing.
“Google’s April announcement of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal coincides with Berner’s website reorganization,” says Berner, who launched the air curtain industry’s first website in the 1990’s. “We wanted the new site to continue to be a resource for those who want to know more, and at the same time, make it simpler to select a Berner air curtain from our many designs”
Future website improvements will include an energy calculator that surpasses previous text-only versions with a graphical user interface and intuitiveness that directs users to a more accurate energy savings and payback figure.